Leadership Training For Managers

How To Encourage Extraordinary Performance From People

Fire-up your leadership skills with this self-directed, online course. Step-by-step you'll learn how to lead your team to outstanding results.


What Our Clients Say

“This course gave me a great framework to rebuild the motivation in my team at a critical time in our evolution. It is easy to feel too busy to address these things, but the course served as a reminder of the importance of taking care of your people first. Robin was a great instructor.”
RS. VP UK Sales & Operations, Newforma
More reviews at bottom of page

What You'll Learn

The programme is bursting with dozens of tried and tested ideas you'll be able to use immediately. It shows you how to boost productivity and boost it quickly. It will challenge you, make you more versatile and more sure of your approach.

The course begins with three foundation sessions which give you a solid understanding of contemporary leadership. The programme then coaches you through eight key strategies to achieve outstanding results. In this module you'll learn:

  • The Core Strategy - Make Others Feel Capable, Confident & Strong
  • Why Would Anyone Want To Be Led By You?
  • What Is The Work Of The Modern Leader?
  • The One Ability Above All Others That Sets Managers Above Their Peers

Creating a self-propelled workforce means not only managing people but managing the interactions between people. That's not a subtle difference. This masterclass shows you how.

In Foundation Session One we investigate the 6 all important, building blocks of a modern leadership style and how to get the best from those around you. You'll learn:

  • How To Transform Your Communication Using Persuasion Not Power
  • How To Help People Give Their All By Aligning Organisation & Personal Goals
  • When You Let Go, They Grow - How To Delegate In An Inspirational Way  
  • Catch People Doing Something Right 
  • Regard Everyone As A Potential Winner - Expectations Communicate
  • How To Instill A Sense of Fun - It's A Great Business Lubricant 

In Foundation Session 2 we investigate The Laws of Motivation –  because without motivation the product doesn’t matter, the idea doesn’t matter because no one will take any action.

In Foundation Session 3 we show you how to set up your own personal 'Leadership Development Plan'. 

In Strategy 1 we look at the first action for any leader, set the direction, you must know where you are going if you expect others to join you on the journey,  This is relatively familiar stuff but to be effective your team must also buy in to the direction. If there is no buy in you get compliance, if there is buy in you get commitment, engagement and discretionary effort. You'll learn:

  • How To Set The Direction
  • What To Do If You Are At A Crossroads 
  • How To Get Buy In. THE all important step in unlocking discretionary effort 

In Strategy 2 we investigate the enormous, but often underrated importance of culture. You’ve probably heard Peter Drucker’s famous quote ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’. Culture determines the way we do things around here. Culture determines the way your people talk, think and behave. Creating a great culture is essential for effective leadership. You'll learn:

  • How To Develop The Right Culture For Your Team 
  • The 3 Steps You Must Take To Make Culture Change Happen 
  • How To Take Your Values Off The Wall And Bring Them Alive
  • How To Go One Step Further & Define Your Core Ideology 

Strategy 3 highlights the importance of leading by example. It's been said, that leadership is example, persuasion, and compulsion - in that order,  Organisations and teams tend to become shadows of their leaders. In time your team will become a shadow of you. You'll learn:

  • How To Be The Leader Others Want To Follow 
  • 4 Practical Ideas To Help You Lead By Example
  • How The Leader Should Handle Winning
  • How The Leader Should Handle A Project Shortfall / Failure - It Happens!

In Startegy 4 we revisit the core premise of the course - make others feel capable, confident and strong - because it's only when people feel that way that you're likely to get the best from them. What you say can either make someone’s day or ruin their day. You'll learn:

  • How To Implement Capable, Confident & Strong
  • How To Use The 'Gift' of Encouragement
  • How To Give Praise Correctly
  • How To Instill a Growth Mindset

The first thing anyone says about leading change is how easy it is to initiate and how hard it is to see it through. In Strategy 5 we begin by looking at how we react to change and then investigate a 6 step process for leading change in others. You'll learn:

  • How To Develop The Leader's Mindset Towards Change
  • How To Use The ROVCOS™ Model For Leading Change
  • Why It's Never A One Person Show

In Strategy 6 we look at how to create a culture where people have a tremendous opportunity to be heard. You'll learn:

  • The 4 Most Engaging Words You Can Say To Anyone
  • How To Set Up A Process For Gaining Feedback
  • 5 Questions To Initiate A Learning Conversation

In Strategy 7 we investigate how to foster teamwork. Today everyone in every type of organisation says: ‘We can’t do it alone. It’s a team effort.’ Teamwork is essential in the modern workplace. You'll learn:

  • How To Foster Teamwork. The 2 Core Principles
  • 5 Actionable Ideas You Can Implement Immediately
  • The Ultimate Team Exercise & How To Use It At Your Next Offsite Meeting

In Strategy 8 we look at how to handle adversity. The evidence suggests that how you and your people respond to adversity is a strong predictor of success. You'll learn:

  • Why Your Adversity Quotient (AQ) Is A Key Part of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • 3 Ways To Build Resilience 
  • How To Grow The Coping Mechanism of Others
  • How To Control The Controllables
  • How To Handle Pressure
  • How To Test A Candidate's Adversity Quotient When Recruiting

Unlock 30% Discretionary Effort

You'll learn how the world's top 'modern managers' lead, inspire, engage and motivate their people to unlock extraordinary results and how you can apply these skills to your team.

Bite Sized Sessions

The course is chunked into 31 short video segments with 9 downloadable worksheets to consolidate your learning and 4 self-assessments to check your understanding. 

Special Feature - Giving Great Feedback

The concept of 'catch people doing something right' is vital, however, what happens when something is not done correctly? You need to handle it. This module shows you how to do it well.

Everyone wants more feedback. The secret is to do it in an inspirational way that makes your people want to improve.  In this module you'll learn:

  • The 2 Unbreakable Rules of Feedback 
  • How To Provide Constructive Critique/Support
  • How To Have A 'Difficult' Conversation With A Team Member
  • How To Use The LESA™ Model To Keep It Motivational

Your Personal Leadership Development Coach

Hi, I'm Robin Fielder, founder of LDL, and I am your personal leadership training coach and instructor for this programme.

Step- by step you'll learn how to become one of the most effective, in demand managers  in your industry.


Tuition is £495 + VAT for 12 months unlimited access. Learning online is highly cost effective - it also avoids the need for travel and minimises time away from the office.

If you are able to harness even half of the ideas in 'The Inspirational Leader' your management career will take off.

The Inspirational Leader is about the 'how-to's' - practical leadership skills you can take and apply tomorrow to inspire and motivate your people.

The programme includes:

  • 31 structured video lessons with Robin Fielder
  • 9 fillable worksheets (no printer required)
  • 4 self-assessments to check your understanding
  • 'Giving Great Feedback' feature module
  • Certification
  • Unlimited access for 12 months
  • Priority support

There is approx 3 hours of interactive video divided into 31 bite sized lessons. We recommend you spend one hour each day to complete 4 to 5 lessons and their related action steps - these action steps help you apply the learning to your team situation. This will enable you to complete the programme in 6 days.

You can of course go faster or slower as you wish. Some binge and complete the programme in one day though it's not recommended.

On completion of all sections you can claim your Certificate of Achievement.

Discounted rates are available for groups of 4 or more. For more information or if you are interested in a blended approach which combines the online programme with in-person or virtual training/coaching please contact us +44(0)20 7381 6233 or email [email protected].

Enrol Now for £495 + VAT

The Inspirational Leader - a self-directed, modern leadership programme that shows you how to boost results and boost them quickly.

Join The Inspirational Leader

For questions or help with your purchase call LDL +44(0)20 7381 6233 (UK office hours).

More From Our Clients

“Really liked that it was bite sized chunks. The videos I preferred were the ones that were approx 5 mins or under. Strongly appreciated that you could speed videos up. The structure flowed well. Learning what to do when things didn't always go to plan and real-life scenarios very useful.”
MC, Head of Adviser Sales, FE fundinfo 

“Very good - concise videos, good examples and real life/context given.”
CH. Product Manager, Biesterfeld-Petroplas

“Inspirational stuff. Amusingly, since starting this course I've noticed by personal presentation style, in terms of pacing, cadence and the enthusiasm of delivery, has naturally changed to be more like Robin's - an added bonus! I really liked all the real-world case studies to support the points being made.”
SS, Assistant Curator, The Hockey Museum

"10/10. Very inspirational and very useful ideas to apply with examples. I really enjoyed taking this course."
AM, Business Development Director Europe, Satcom Direct

“I enjoyed it very much and I can't wait to apply what I've learned. The lessons were clear and concise. Having examples and quotes made it much easier to grasp the concepts.”
OE, Embedded Electronics Engineer, Kymira


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